
Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Taste of Mangoes: A Poem

This poem was actually bases on a true story. I'm not going to say any names, so whoever it's about is safe, no worries!

The Taste of Mangoes

You don't like mangoes.
I know this because
you remind me each time
I bring them in.
Slices of sunshine neatly arranged
in the pale blue tupperware.
You say,
"The taste is too tart"
or sweet
or salty
or, well,
you get the picture.
You dislike,
no, you loath mangoes.
So each time I bring
that pale blue tupperware
into the room,
you beg for a taste.
Each time, of course,
I insist that you'll hate it,
you always do.
To which, of course,
you beg and plead and cajole
until I give you a piece.
NOTE: This is not because
I like you.
It's just that I would like
to pass the 7th grade.
You are not
the quietest person in the world
when you want something.
No offense.
After I relent
and grant you that first morsel,
you proceed to cleanse me
of my burden- the mango.
Reminding me all the while
how much you
"detest mangoes".
Nice try.
This goes on
almost every week.
Do you really "hate"
it so much?
Or is it that
you take pleasure
in my annoyance?
I'm guessing the latter.
In the future, however,
I do have one request:
Next time,
bring your own mango.

Peace, love, and happiness
- Becca


  1. This is such an awesome poem!

  2. This one just brings a huge smile to my face as I can imagine you in the cafeteria with your Mango:)

  3. i like popcorn curnels (what im chewin right now) and mangoes!
    luv sara feit :)
