
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hidden Safety Nets

What's a safety net? It's something you can have to fall back on, to lean on, when you need that little boost. A safety net could be a beloved toy, your old baby blanket, or (in my case) a favorite book. But author's have safety nets too-- things they use so often in their stories that it sort of becomes a trademark. Take Maria V. Snyder, acclaimed author of the Study series (Poison Study, Magic Study, and Fire Study, for example. In her books, she uses the French word "rendezvous" (pronounced "rahn-deh-voo"--I know, weird!) about every third page. For example, "rendezvous with the horses", "rendezvous with Valek at the Ixia border", you get the picture. Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore Snyder's work. She knows exactly how to write about heroines, romance, and adventure. I probably reread her books almost every week. I just think it's sort of cool how authors have habits when they write. Now, I wonder what my "safety net" is...

Peace, love, and happiness
- Becca


  1. I never thought about a safety net that way--thanks!

  2. haha! luv that word! redezvous!

