
Friday, February 19, 2010

The Hurt and The Healing: A Poem

Thank you all for those ideas. God, I don't know what I'd do without you guys giving those motivating comments. This poem came to me when I was listening to a conversation between two people putting wood on a campfire. If I do say so myself, this piece is just as deep, but a little bit more hopeful. Tell me what you think!

The Hurt and The Healing

How's the fire going?
They ask.
Is it burning?
Is it blazing?
Is it filling the air
with torn-up pieces of paper,
drifting on the icy wind?

No, you answer.
The wood is still
too young, too vulnerable.
Chopped to bits
just last summer,
without time to dry,
to breath.
So much smoke,
so little flame.
Too much air to fill,
with no substance
in which to feel.
Come back soon,
you say.
Wait a little.
Think a little.

Watch the wood
dry in the sun,
catch its breath.
Give it some time,
you say.
And soon one shall see
the flame leap eagerly
onto the log's
hardened skin.
Witness its acceptance,
its rebirth.

Give life time,
give it hope.
they repeat.
And shake their heads
at your ignorance,
your stupidity.
They get in their car
and drive away.
Leaving you
smiling and nodding,
as you wait
for the wood
to burn.

Peace, love, and happiness

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dial 911, Well... Not Really! =)

Okay people, major crisis here. Your favorite blogger, yours truly, is suffering from an extremely deadly case of writer's block (da, da, da...). I have nothing, absolutely nothing, to write about. Every poem or idea I have ends up sounding so depressed-- I'm starting to scare myself! And the strange thing is that I'm really not a naturally sad person. Sure, I'm not the girl who goes around laughing and smiling all the time. But ask anyone who knows me-- I am NOT depressed. And yet, the seemingly incurable writer's block remains, so bad I am forced to blog about my inability to find something to blog about. Do you have any ideas (and please tell me you do!)? Leave a comment!

Peace, love, and happiness